(Not currently accepting commissions)
Commissions are custom paintings made at the request and payment of the customer.
The following list is the Average Pricing on Traditional painted Portraits - A human figure from the shoulders up, simple background, acrylic paint on gallery wrapped canvas.
Final quotes vary by details, customer requests and sales/promos.
I do not currently accept commissions for non portrait art (i.e. landscapes, cityscapes, still life, etc.).
Pet/Animal portraits accepted on an occasional basis.
I do not currently accept commissions on Oil paintings.
Supplies deposit of $20-$85 due upfront, remainder due at completion.
This does not guarantee a definite quote. Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page to receive a definite quote on your project.
Price = Canvas Size + Detail
20”x24” (or smaller) - $375
24”x30” - $575
24”x36” - $705
30”x40” - $985
20”x24” (or smaller) - $645
24”x30” - $980
24”x36” - $1,195
30”x40” - $1,670
20”x24” (or smaller) - $915
24”x30” - $1,430
24”x36” - $1,685
30”x40” - $2,345
Prices for other Mediums/Styles
Cartoon/Comedic portraits of people exaggerating their features and/or personality. Characteristically depicting large heads on small bodies.
This will afford you access to the high quality digital format only. Upon delivery, customers will receive a PDF, PNG, JPEG, EPS and an AI file. $80
Caricature Ornaments - A caricature painted in acrylic paint on a 3.5” circle wooden plaque. Plaque can be fastened to be dangly or to be a magnet. $25
Portraits that are created using digital software yet still emphasizing a painterly style. This consists of blends and textures of color. Upon delivery, customers will receive a PDF, PNG, JPEG, EPS and an AI file. $120
Vector art is created with digital software consisting of distinct separations of color that are based on a mathematical formula. This enables infinite enlargements OR shrinkage of the image that will NOT result in pixelation. Upon delivery, customers will receive a PDF, PNG, JPEG, EPS and an AI file. $120